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BlessingWay - Ceremonial Healing Events


BlessingWay holds the energy of a Traditional Navajo Ceremony held to restore and maintain balance, healing and peace in the lives of the tribe as they come together. 'May we stand tall to help each other up' is the basis for these ceremonies. Acknowledging thatwe are all stronger, greater and wiser together as one. All One Tribe.


We all go through times in our lives that call upon our greatest strength. Childbirth, parenthood, puberty, health scares...the list goes on. One thing remains true, the weight of the world is certainly lessened when the load is shared with others. People geninely want to reach out, support and connect in, to help those who are going through a life defining moment. BlessingWay is one way to do just that.


BlessingWay is a Blessing where we sit in circle, guided by myself to hold space for the Blessed Being to recieve all the love and support they need to so that they can carry that radiance forward with them through their days. This can include meditation, music, art, movement and energy work...but can be created as bespoke as the individual is who is being Blessed.


BlessingWay has been held for cancer patients as they set out to battle their illness, pregnant mothers as they enter their birth journey, parents as they celebrate their first year as new parents/people and even friends as they have headed off overseas to start their new lives. 


Whenever the Gateway appears...BlessingWay is there to guide you.​


See what my clients say say about their sessions with me?


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